JAY J3 Carbon Wheelchair Back

Feel the difference.

Designed to provide an ultra lightweight and stylish backrest for active users, the J3 Carbon backrest provides firm stabilisation of the pelvis and lower spine to encourage an optimal spinal curve. This stability is needed for upper body movement to ensure you can maintain an active lifestyle. Apart from being exceptionally comfortable, it can also help to reduce back pain.

The force that’s generated when propelling your wheelchair is transferred more efficiently through a solid backrest into the frame. That means you’re generating greater movement of your wheelchair with less effort.



Key Features

  • Lightweight, strong and stylish
  • Adjustable to your needs
  • Choose your mounting system
  • Accessory bag


Product Specifications

Width:                                                   320mm / 360mm / 410mm / 460mm – (32cm / 36cm / 41cm / 46cm)
Height:                                                  170mm / 240mm / 300mm / 380mm – (17cm / 24cm / 30cm / 38cm)
Maximum User Weight:                    125 kg (19.7 stone)
Product Options
Cover Type:                                          Microclimatic
Contour:                                                50mm (5cm)





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